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Youth and Leadership 

We all want to give our children the best opportunity to be the best they can be.  However with all the technological advances, we still have increases in youth depression, substance abuse and worse suicide.  But what if you could give your child a solid foundation of life skills.  Experience in discovering their true potential, the skills to be resilient, creative, self confident and the skills to lead themselves with pride and lead others authentically. 


Our youth programs are curriculum based which means they are a series of 5 to 12 sessions depending on age and objectives, but we can also customised these to your needs if you come to us with a specific group in mind. 

Why does it work?

Participation, retention, fun and oh yea... a horse!

Horses are ideal teachers for use with children. Once a child is taught the basics of dealing properly with a horse, he or she can become the leader the horse seeks. When the horse feels safe, cooperation is a hundred fold and the child can easily get the horse to do what is asked of it. Bringing that piece back to their lives is everything as a parallel to how to work with people and themselves in their own lives.

But Kinglake is so far away.  Well,  depending on where you start it is only an hour away which is closer than the Airport for most.  There are cafe's , parks and other adventures a plenty for you to explore while here, or you are welcome to stay and watch if you like. 
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